We are priyamehanTamil Novels ('we', 'our', 'us'). We’re committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. If you have questions about your personal information please contact us. What information we hold about you The type of data that we collect and process includes: Your name or username. Your email address. Your IP address. Further data may be collected if you choose to share it, such as if you fill out fields on your profile. We collect some or all of this information in the following cases: You register as a member on this site. You fill out our contact form. You browse this site. See 'Cookie policy' below. You fill out fields on your profile. How your personal information is used We may use your personal information in the following ways: For the purposes of making you a registered member of our site, in order for you to contribute content to this site. We may use your email address to inform you of activity on our site. Your IP address is recorded when you perform certain actions on our site. Your IP address is never publicly visible. Other ways we may use your personal information. In addition to notifying you of activity on our site which may be relevant to you, from time to time we may wish to communicate with all members any important information such as newsletters or announcements by email. You can opt-in to or opt-out of such emails in your profile. We may collect non-personally identifiable information about you in the course of your interaction with our site. This information may include technical information about the browser or type of device you're using. This information will be used purely for the purposes of analytics and tracking the number of visitors to our site.